In September of 2020 David Robbins, MD received the distinction of a Center of Excellence for GreenLight laser from Boston Scientific. The Center of Excellence designation is awarded to urologists that Boston Scientific, the manufacturer of GreenLight Laser, recognizes as having a high degree of experience with GreenLight and a commitment to delivering long-lasting effective therapy to men suffering from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).
Dr. Robbins has been leading conferences and teaching physicians advanced techniques using GreenLight laser throughout the United States and around the world since 2011. Among the select group of physicians awarded a Center of Excellence for GreenLight laser, Dr. Robbins was the first in the state of Florida and the second in the United States to receive this prestigious distinction.
Miami urologists Dr. David Robbins is proud to offer his patients the option of GreenLight Laser Surgery for the treatment of BPH (enlarged prostate).
GreenLight Laser Surgery is a minimally invasive outpatient surgical option for BPH (enlarged prostate) that is performed using a video camera placed in the urethra without the need for a surgical incision. GreenLight Laser surgery combines the effectiveness of the traditional surgical procedure known as transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), but with fewer side effects, shorter catheterization, and a quicker, less painful recovery. GreenLight Laser for enlarged prostate is currently considered the most advanced and minimally invasive surgical option for the definitive surgical treatment of BPH or enlarged prostate.
GreenLight Laser surgery uses laser energy introduced via a laser fiber placed through a small camera introduced into the patient's urethra. The GreenLight Laser energy is used to vaporize and remove enlarged prostate tissue that is obstructing urine flow thereby resulting in an open and unobstructed channel for urine to flow through. Patients are able to go home the same day of the procedure and will only require a Foley catheter for a day or two after the procedure. Patients can then return to a life that's free of BPH symptoms without the need for daily prostate medications.
GreenLight Laser Therapy is typically an outpatient procedure; meaning you can return home hours after the procedure and can return to normal, non-strenuous activities within days. The GreenLight Laser system delivers the ultimate in BPH treatment — freedom from urinary symptoms, freedom from compromise, freedom to live life the way you choose.
Miami urologists Dr. Robbins and Dr. Wirtshafter have extensive experience with Green Light laser therapy for enlarged prostate and have been providing this therapy to patients in Miami and the surrounding region for years with outstanding results.
GreenLight laser is considered to be the most modern and minimally invasive surgical option for BPH / enlarged prostate. David Robbins, MD is among a select group of urologists in the United States that have been requested by Boston Scientific, the manufacturer of GreenLight Laser, to be part of the teaching faculty for the GreenLight Laser technology.
Dr. Robbins is the only certified instructor for GreenLight laser in South Florida. Dr. Robbins routinely leads courses teaching other urologists about the benefits of GreenLight Laser surgery for enlarged prostate. Dr. Robbins has lead lecture series and taught GreenLight Laser surgery throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and South America including Lima, Peru, Santiago, Chile, as well as Cali, Medellin, and Bogota Colombia. Dr. Robbins additionally lead one of the surgical technique courses at the American Urological Association annual meeting in San Francisco in 2018. The surgical technique developed by Dr. Robbins and his colleagues on the teaching staff at Boston Scientific is currently being used to create an international standard of care for minimally invasive GreenLight Laser BPH treatment. Dr. Robbins is also involved in the development of preoperative standard workup recommendations and a teaching curriculum for Green Light that will be used around the world.
Dr. Robbins is able to treat patients with advanced and difficult to treat BPH conditions such as those with enlarged prostates greater than 150 grams, patients in urinary retention, patients with obstruction and bladder stones, and even patients who are required to remain on blood thinners. Dr. Robbins is routinely referred patients by other urologists to handle more complex BPH patients that otherwise may have needed more invasive open surgical procedures. When choosing a surgeon to help you with your symptoms for enlarged prostate, experience does matter when it comes to optimal outcomes. Please contact us and allow us to help you relieve your bothersome symptoms of BPH / enlarged prostate.
Green Light laser vaporization photoselective vaporization therapy for BPH can be considered the most important surgical advancement in the treatment of BPH for the past three decades. The GreenLight Laser PVP system is unique in its utilization of the latest generation of high energy potassium-titanyl-phosphate (KTP) laser energy delivered through a fiber optic cable. It is specifically designed for the vaporization of prostate tissue. The concept of Green Light laser vaporization is to completely eliminate prostate tissue while simultaneously photo-coagulating prostate blood vessels thereby creating an open prostatic channel without any bleeding.
The mechanism of action of the Green Light laser is through the production of laser energy with a wavelength of 532 nanometers which has a specific affinity for the pigment of hemoglobin, a component of red blood cells. When the laser energy interacts with tissue, it is converted to vapor and is then eliminated through a system of continuous irrigation through the surgeon's camera. Simultaneously, the blood vessels of the prostate are sealed by the laser because of its affinity for hemoglobin thereby virtually eliminating all bleeding and permitting the patient to go home the same day as the surgery with a catheter for as short as 1-2 days prior to being able to void spontaneously with significantly improved flow.
Another advantage to the Green Light laser is the ability to continue prostate vaporization on larger prostate glands for a prolonged period of time without having to worry about the electrolyte disturbances common to the TURP procedure. This is because the Green Light laser procedure is performed using saline irrigation as opposed to the glycine irrigation required to conduct the electrical energy used during a TURP.
Therefore, according to contemporary literature and certainly urologist personal testimonial, there is no procedure better than Green Light laser to treat BPH by virtue of many significant advantages including:
GreenLight Laser can result in a low incidence of urethral stricture disease and bladder neck contracture which seems to be lower than that with TURP. Retrograde ejaculation (dry orgasm) is common after TURP and GreenLight Laser surgery due to the absence of antegrade propulsion of semen off the backstop of the bladder neck. This may be an important factor for young men considering GreenLight Laser and is important to discuss preoperatively.
Immediately following a minimally invasive GreenLight Laser procedure, patients will have a catheter in place to drain the bladder. Patients are discharged to home following the procedure and then can follow up in the office in 1-3 days to have the catheter removed. The length of time with the catheter following the procedure is typically dictated by the size of the prostate, with extremely large prostates requiring longer postoperative catheter times.
After the catheter is removed, patients should immediately notice that the strength of their urinary stream is improved given their more open prostate channel as demonstrated in the images below. Patients, however, will commonly experience mild burning with urination and frequency that may last several days. Soon after the GreenLight Laser procedure patients will begin to notice a decrease in urinary frequency and need to wake up at night to urinate as the bladder begins to relax and accommodate to a more open prostate channel without obstruction.
Miami urologists Dr. David Robbins and Dr. Amery Wirtshafter are now among a select group of urologists in Miami who are able to offer their patients treatment with the GreenLight Laser XPS system. GreenLight Laser XPS is the latest cutting-edge laser therapy for the treatment of BPH with nearly twice the power output of the traditional GreenLight Laser HPS system providing for significantly improved vaporization of prostate tissue and better patient outcomes.
Miami urologists David Robbins MD and Amery Wirtshafter MD are recognized worldwide for their expertise in treating the most complex cases of BPH or enlarged prostate using the GreenLight Laser XPS system. Our Miami urologists have been performing GreenLight Laser surgery since the technology was first introduced and because of this long-term commitment and expertise with GreenLight Laser technology Dr. Robbins and Dr. Wirtshafter have a close relationship with American Medical Systems, the parent company of GreenLight Laser technology.
As a result of our expertise and knowledge of GreenLight Laser surgery, we have had the unique opportunity to treat patients from all around the globe. Patients have traveled to Miami for GreenLight Laser surgery with Dr. Robbins and Dr. Wirtshafter from Colombia, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Uruguay, Trinidad, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas. Our international GreenLight Laser program welcomes patients from all additional regional countries including Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, and Costa Rica. Please feel free to contact us to inquire about our international program for GreenLight Laser XPS procedures.
Dr. Robbins,
Just a little note to express to you my gratitude and admiration for the excellent results on the Green Laser Light surgery you performed on me due to my BPH problem about eleven months ago. After the surgery, I followed all your instructions and after approximately one and half months of my surgery, I was completely recuperated. I feel very good, never get up at night for any reason and all my BPH problems are gone. Thank you very much for your knowledge and professionalism, you are great.
Warm regards
Dr. Robbins: six hundred characters are not nearly enough to express my deep appreciation for your help. Putting aside your undeniable expertise, I found that for me your most valuable asset is your ability to project your own confidence in your knowledge and talents onto your patient and help him face what is a rather traumatic experience with less of the fear that any surgical procedure usually inspires. A simple 'thank you' is not enough but in this instance, it will have to suffice. it means much more than those words alone could ever convey.
Dear David:
I want to thank you for my Green Light laser vaporization surgery and results. It took me exactly three days, after the surgery, to get back to work. I wish you a long and energetic life, so you can help many more patients. Once again, Thanks!!!
I really can't say enough good things about the laser procedures performed as an outpatient at Aventura Hospital by Dr. David Robbins. Essentially 2 procedures were done with 2 different lasers: (1) Diminish a large bladder stone to make it small enough to evacuate the urinary bladder and (2) Vaporize residual scar tissue on the prostate using a "green light" laser. After just about a week from having the procedures, I am completely free of any pain or discomfort, being able to do my normal work and perform my usual routine. I am a very active 76-year-old male. In fact, after having the catheter removed (it was only in for less than 48 hours) I was virtually without post-procedural pain. Approximately 13 years ago, I had invasive urological surgery and I was unable to resume work & normal tasks for more than a month. In my opinion, having the option of using the less invasive laser is a no-brainer.
Dr. Robbins
I want to thank you for convincing me to have the GreenLight Laser procedure for my enlarged prostate (BPH). Like most men, I tried to ignore the symptoms and hoped they would go away. Having surgery on my penis was not on top of my to-do list. The meds helped but I was still waking up 3 or 4 times a night and peeing became an event. After your assurances regarding the Green Light procedure, I finally had it done on 9/22/11. Wow, what a difference. I doubt I could have put out a cigarette before, now I can extinguish a forest fire. I went from being one of those crappy leaky squirt guns to a super soaker. Racehorses are jealous of the way I pee now. Wish I done it sooner. The anticipation was way worse than the reality of the surgery. It really wasn't a big deal. Please tell the Green Light people, I want to be president of their fan club.
Dear Dr. Robbins - I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for such a positive experience this past week when my husband had surgery to remove his bladder stones and treat his enlarged prostate. We dreaded the whole thing and had postponed the inevitable long past the time when he should have dealt with it. Had we known that you and your staff would make the experience so stress-free, we would have scheduled his surgery sooner. He was up and around in no time and is feeling so much better now. We really appreciate the care and attention you showed and just wanted to make sure you knew how much that meant to us. You can be certain that we will recommend you highly in the future. Thank you!
Estimado Dr. Robbins:
Le escribo desde Uruguay para contarle que la evolución de la cirugía ha sido muy satisfactoria. He mejorado mucho los síntomas previos y siento que sigue mejorando. Persiste una discreta hematuria esporádica- tal cual Ud. lo adelantó y discretos ardores, también esporádicos. Por lo demás todo va muy bien. Aprovecho para darle nuevamente las gracias, no solo por su calidad técnica, sino también por habernos hecho sentir en todo momento muy tranquilos y contenidos. Le repito que si algún día visita este rincón del mundo, encantados seremos sus anfitriones. En algunas semanas le envío noticias nuevas.
Reciba Ud. un saludo afectuoso de mi señora y mío.
To request your consultation, please call (305) 575-2771 or contact us online today!
Urological Consultants of Florida
12411 Biscayne Boulevard
North Miami, FL 33181
777 East 25th Steet, Suite # 420
Hialeah, Florida 33013
Phone: (305) 575-2771
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